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Brief History - Remembering Our Past

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Our congregation began in 1948 in response to the need for a ministry to World War II veterans and their families who had settled in the area.  With the approval of The United Church of Canada, the dream of The Reverend Robert N. Matheson to build a new congregation became a reality.

Initially, church services were offered in a local store and Sunday School was held in a member's basement. As the Sunday School grew, it later moved to Kitchener School.

It was obvious a permanent church building was needed. With the help of Canadian Memorial United Church, a building program was launched. In June, 1952 Willingdon Heights Community Church, held its first church service in the new building.

In 1957, the Christian Education Building was completed and filled the needed of over 600 children.

Prior to other churches being built in the area, ecumenical worship services were held at Willingdon Heights. People from other denominational backgrounds, including Anglican, Presbyterian and Roman Catholic, worshipped together.

For over seventy years, Willingdon Heights United Church has faithful served Christ in the community.

In the year 2000, Burnaby designated the Sanctuary as a Heritage Site, for Burnaby. We remember our past and joyfully celebrate the goodness of God in our midst, and hope of God's blessing in the future.

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The Ministers who faithfully served

Willingdon Heights Community Church

from 1948 to the Present 

1948-1952   Rev. Robert N. Matheson

1952-1954   Rev. H. Stewart Forbes

1954-1960   Rev. Arthur D. Carr

1960-1966   Rev. Clyde Woollard

1966-1986   Rev. Frank Ward

1987-1989   Rev. Arthur H. Mundy

1989-1991   Rev. F. Ann Moir

1991-1994   Rev. Stanbury Bailey

1994-2000   Rev. Audrey I. Lans

2000-2003   Rev. Dr. Janet Cawley

2004-2019   Rev. Charles Ahn

2020-2014   Rev. Dr. Nam Ok Yoo

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