Willingdon Heights United Church
a congregation of
The United Church of Canada
in the
Pacific Mountain Regional Council

Communicable Disease Prevention: Our full plan is available through the blue button above. The key points for when we can resume in-person worship are:
We will check for vaccine passports at the entrance. Everyone eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine should be fully vaccinated before attending our in-person services.
If you have any communicable disease, stay home and join us online.​
Masks must be worn in the sanctuary by everyone except young children and worship leaders (minister, readers, and soloists) at the front of the sanctuary.
Physical distancing will be managed by taping-off every second pew.
Communicable Disease Prevention: Our full plan is available through the blue button above. The key points for when we can resume in-person worship are:
We will check for vaccine passports at the entrance. Everyone eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine should be fully vaccinated before attending our in-person services.
If you have any communicable disease, stay home and join us online.​
Masks must be worn in the sanctuary by everyone except young children and worship leaders (minister, readers, and soloists) at the front of the sanctuary.
Physical distancing will be managed by taping-off every second pew.
3) Interac E-Transfer
It is straightforward to set up Interac E-Transfer directly from your account to ours, although the details vary from one bank to the next. Only five pieces of information are needed to set up e-transfer from your bank account to the church's bank account:
The credit union we use for our banking needs
The name of the account
The e-mail address of the church
A security prompt
A security response
Contact the church at whuc@shaw.ca for assistance, especially with the security prompt and response.