Willingdon Heights United Church
a congregation of
The United Church of Canada
in the
Pacific Mountain Regional Council

We acknowledge that the lands upon which we worship are the ancestral, traditional and unceded lands of the hǝn̓q̓ǝmin̓ǝm̓ and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh speaking peoples, including the Squamish, Tsleil-Waututh, and Musqueam Nations. We are are grateful to be on this shared territory, and we commit to listen, learn and work towards justice and reconciliation.
Everyone is welcome in the Willingdon Heights United Church
We welcome you!
여러분을 환영합니다!
Maligayang pagdating!
Naragsak nga isasangbay!
Whether you are a long-standing member, a visitor to the area, or are just starting to explore the Christian faith, come and worship with us in our regular services on Sunday at 10:30 AM. We are located at 4304 Parker Street, Burnaby, BC, on the intersection of Parker and Maddison, two blocks west of Willingdon Avenue.
- Online Worship at WHUC: We offer live online worship using Zoom and post the recorded service on YouTube. This will allow everyone who has mobility issues, is travelling, or is nervous about gathering in large groups to participate virtually. Contact the church office at whuc.office@gmail.com for the Zoom meeting information or to receive e-mail notification each week with a link to the recorded service when it is available.
Willingdon Heights Community Bulletin
- Captain Alpha Childcare has spaces available for daycare and after school care at the Church for September 2022. Please contact Emaly at (778)-888-8132 for more information or e-mail at captainalphachildcare@gmail.com.
교회 빌딩에서 운영중인 새 어린이집 “캡틴 알파”가 연중 계속해서 원아모집중입니다. 3-5살 어린이는 25명 (아침 7시부터 가능), K-G6 방과후 어린이는 24명을 모집한다고 합니다. 중국어/ 영어 문의는 에밀리 (전화: 778-888 8132, 이메일: captainalphachildcare@gmail.com)에게 해 주십시오. 감사합니다.
Spaces for rent:
- We have space to rent for community groups. Please contact us at whuc.office@gmail.com.
- Worship space is available: We have space and time for another congregation on Sundays. Please contact us at whuc.office@gmail.com.
- For any other inquiry, please contact us at whuc.office@gmail.com. Thank you for your interest in our building!